Talaash! Which part of Mumbai do you want to see?

Sant Savata Mali Road (Victoria Road)

Playgrounds of Mumbai.

We play on different floors.

And a poem by Suranga Date who always adds a few words to the images she likes on this blog:

Thought for Food.

A foraging of intentions,
a collection
of rehabilitated stones
performing to perfection
wild in imagination
as they make a meal
fit for the 
ones they love
nurtured so well
by hands
trying to imitate 
Mother Earth.

And then 
there is 
a hungry mind
expertly fooled
into filling itself
by sights, sounds,
and the needs of 
the New World,
unlike anything around.

Food for Thought.

Photo Books by Mumbai Paused

Digital photo books with stories from the streets of Mumbai are now available at Footpath Bookshop

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