Talaash! Which part of Mumbai do you want to see?

Footpath Bookshop from Mumbai Paused

Happy Republic Day!
You can now get my digital photobooks for Rs 71. 

When I started the Footpath Bookshop, my idea was to distribute my digital photobooks for free. That is the reason I called it the footpath book shop. The reaction from the photographers I know was not very supportive. They said that I am ‘kicking them on their stomachs’ by giving away my hard work for free.

The second book I made was priced at Rs 100. This time, the photographers told me that it was priced too low. That’s the reason the later books were priced higher.

However, I am uncomfortable with charging too much for my book and today, on Republic Day I am bringing the price down to what I think is a comfortable price.  It is the equivalent of US$ 1 these days or Rs 71.

 After all it’s the 71st year of our republic.


Photo Books by Mumbai Paused

Digital photo books with stories from the streets of Mumbai are now available at Footpath Bookshop

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